[UPDATE: As of October 2018, Orca HQ is no longer active. If I find a similar tool I’ll be sure to write a new post about it. I’ll leave this post up hoping that it shows up in Google searches to alert folks that Orca is now gone.]
Last week, I made a post on twitter about Orca and was rather surprised to learn many people weren't aware of it. Here's hoping this little write-up might act as a sturdier, more permanent signpost than anything on twitter. (Transparency note if it's not obvious: I am not in any way involved with Orca. I just think it's a great tool worth sharing.)
Click here for the site. This is where you'll do the actual job searching. Seems like the blog there is no longer receiving updates.
Click here for the twitter account. It seems like it's been dormant for a while, however.
Image credit: @orcahq on twitter.
A quick rundown as to why you might want to keep Orca in your back pocket:
It's free!
If you register with your email, you can get regular filtered updates based on your preferences. (I get a weekly update anytime new Level Design jobs are posted.)
Powerful search filtering. An example:
That's pretty much it! If you're on the hunt for a (new?) job, I hope that Orca might help you out with that. If not, don't keep it a secret! Share it out to someone who might need it.
Thanks for reading!